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3 Ways We Keep Our Mission Trips Safe

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There is no doubt that COVID-19 has put a strain on our routines, our plans, and ultimately, our definition of normal. Yet, even in the midst of so much uncertainty and unknown, God is still moving. We are deeply committed to the mission God has given us to reach the world for Christ. Though we may have new challenges now, we are still mobilizing missionaries while adhering to the guidelines that allow us to care for not only our participants, but those we are called to serve.

With diligent preparation and wisdom and safety at the forefront, World Race has launched squads to Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and South Africa. This is definitely not your average World Race, so take a look at how we’re doing it!

1. We are closely monitoring the health and safety of World Race participants. 

At Adventures in Missions, we have always worked to have a diligent Risk Management team. They thoroughly assess situations and ensure alignment with current regulations, health professionals, and Adventures’ leadership. They help us ensure the necessary precautions are in place to operate in wisdom and minimize risk.

We have guidelines in place, including masks and social distancing…

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And all Racers must complete daily health screening and temperature checks.

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Read more on Victoria Bacon’s blog: Launch within a Pandemic

2. We are letting go of expectations.

Abandonment is a key component of overseas mission work. We’ve had to continually adjust expectations (much like all of 2020), but life with God is so much bigger than our own comfort. And now, our pressing need for abandonment has been emphasized more than ever!

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“I’m here to tell you that the Kingdom of God is worth abandoning my safety, my comfort, and my life in the states. God desires communion with His children even during a pandemic and there are people that still don’t even know how good of a father He is. I pray that the obedient hearts of my squad would draw people in to know the hope, love, and life that’s found in relationship with Jesus.”

Read more from Aaron Moore here: Tender hearts, sore eyes, and… raw ears??

3. We are approaching ministry with a servant’s heart.

The World Race is, and has always been, a beautiful way to serve where we are needed most. We aren’t necessarily out to change the whole world, but to change someone’s world. And sometimes, that means washing dishes or watching kids so our long-term partners and ministry hosts can have an evening off.

We’ve always been serving in ways we didn’t expect, but social distancing and COVID-19 regulations have allowed for our teams to be creative in their on-field ministry. Often, our teams are found serving behind-the-scenes. We might not always be on the front lines, but we are creating opportunities for others to be.

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“The world might be on lockdown, but the Kingdom of God is not… Probably the biggest thing that I’ve learned though missions is how to be flexible and this is just one more thing that teaches that. I’m sure I’ll discover other norms of the race that have been forced to change. One thing that will never change though is God’s love and His desire for people to know Him.”

Continue reading from Kaci Larick’s “Covid on the Race” here…

Yes! This is different than your average World Race, but we are committed to furthering the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth even in the middle of a pandemic.

For more information about how we’re navigating health and safety during the pandemic… click here!

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