Last year, World Race Squad Mentor and friend of the Holy Spirit, Teresa McMillan, shared a dream the Lord put on her heart. She felt a strong stirring God wanted to bring revival in the United States, and she hoped to mobilize a group of World Racers to do ministry together around the country.
We jumped on board with her idea and opened up the opportunity to World Race alumni. They crowdsourced a van, and a small, fearless group of world-changers set off in January of 2019 on a road trip to minister to the 50 states. This team has been humble, Spirit-led and courageous as they have lived simply, shared the Gospel, built relationships, and encouraged believers and non-believers around the country.
Back in April, the team was making its way through Texas and found themselves on a rural back-road where their van got stuck in the mud. The team flagged down a kind man named Ed who was driving by in a flatbed truck. Ed didn’t hesitate to pull up next to the van and lay down in the mud to pull the team out! After getting to know Ed and praying with him, the team felt led to reach back out the next day.
Ed invited the team to visit his Methodist church on Palm Sunday. The Pastor invited them to share testimonies of their trip. After the service, the Pastor shared that the team’s stories were about the exact topic he had hoped to preach about that day and had already planned on letting someone in the congregation share a testimony—he just had no idea it would be World Racers!
After the service, they were invited to speak at two other churches nearby. The Pastor of a Baptist church they spoke at said their message also fit perfectly with what he had in mind for Palm Sunday. He also said it was the first time, in all his time as a pastor there, he had let anyone else preach. Read the full story here.
Needless to say, the Holy Spirit is truly leading World Race: America and He has big plans.
The team has seen incredible healings too! In one week alone, they saw physical and spiritual healings while standing outside of a food bank, while speaking at a youth group, and at a church bonfire. Read all about it here.
This group of World Racers has seen lives changed and restored. They have seen people confess sins and give their lives to Christ. They have served with World Race alumni and supported their ministries. They’ve lived in homeless shelters and slept in backyards. They’ve painted fences, spoken at churches, served at camps, and befriended strangers. They have “become all things for all people, for the sake of the Gospel,” (1 Cor 9:22) and it’s just the beginning!
Last Friday, via an Instagram live, Teresa shared the exciting news that World Race: America will be launching a second squad in January 2020 and everyone ages 21-35 will be welcome to apply, plus all World Race alumni too. Click here to learn more.
If you feel that stirring in your heart for more, keep pressing in. Keep praying about it and if you’re ready to go – let us know! We’d love to help connect you with what God’s called you in your heart to do!
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