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A Day on a World Race Mission Trip in 2021

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Over the past year, our World Race team has continued to work diligently to make sure we can continue to support our strategic ministry partners while keeping mission trip participants and communities as safe as possible. Though the reality is that a lot of international travel and mission trips have been put on pause, we want to follow God with the expectancy, wisdom, and intentionality needed to pioneer into a world that looks different than the one we were navigating a year ago for the sake of the Gospel.

World Race, World Race: Gap Year, and Semesters by World Race mission teams are currently serving alongside long-term strategic ministry partners in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, and South Africa. Today, Connor Gaul takes us behind the scenes of what a Day in the Life on the World Race in 2021!

A Day in the Life: World Race 2021 Edition

World Race H-Squad is spending time in the jungle of Costa Rica, living, serving and working alongside local missionaries whose ministry is revitalized by new teams and fresh enthusiasm after a challenging year.

The World Race looks a little different right now than it did a year ago, but God is still moving! We are excited to be in Costa Rica, doing ministry, and sharing the hope and love of God with His children.

Growing with God, loving others, and making a difference in the world IS POSSIBLE right now. Take the next step in your own journey today!

At Adventures in Missions, we are committed to navigating mission trips and this global pandemic in a wise manner. We acknowledge that there is additional risk; it is just not possible to avoid it completely. However, we assure you that operating in wisdom is a top priority for us and our risk management and mission trip planning teams. For more information about 2021 mission trips and COVID-19, click here!

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