“Discipleship is the key to what we are doing. We needed a lot of workers. Guess who came into the picture: a wild group called Adventures in Missions. They believe in discipleship. So the girls who come from Adventures come to disciple our girls! It’s about the body of Christ coming together to change the world.” – Kenny Sacht, Wipe Every Tear Anti-trafficking ministry, Philippines
Dr. Ron Walborn,
I have had the pleasure of working with and being connected to Adventures in Missions for the last 15 years. The World Race is Christ Centered, Spirit filled, developmental and transformational. I highly recommend this amazing mission and ministry.
Pastor Tom Thul
Since that first mission trip [with Adventures], around sixty members of our congregation found their lives changed dramatically as a result of participating on a mission trip to our sister church. Even those that have not yet made the trip participate in very many ways- donations, prayers, packing, collecting, promoting, etc. -creating a deep sense of living the Word.
Partnering with World Race has helped us to impact the deep rural areas of Binga, Zimbabwe with the Gospel. I had a vision of planting 20 Bible based churches by 2020. This came after noting the spread of cults and African traditions in the region. Through this partnership we have seen over 1000 new believers coming to Jesus, including well known witch doctors coming to Jesus as their Lord and savior.
With the help and sacrifice of the World Race teams we have reached our goal of 20 churches by 2020 before the year 2020.
On behalf of Team Hope we want to thank World Race USA for trusting us with the teams who have been of help to us towards our vision of 20 churches by 2020. Eight churches have been planted by World Race teams who have come and served faithfully.
Hope at Hand
Adventures in Missions has been a huge blessing for us over the course of this last year. …each individual that has come through has left a mark in our hearts and in the hearts of the children of the ministry. The teams really help carry some of he burden while working alongside us. We really appreciate all that the teams have done for us.
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