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Christian Mission Trips to

Serving Communities in
Central Asia for Jesus

Nepal Ministry

Mission Work & Impact

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There’s a sweetness in the air in Nepal. It’s in the gentle wind, the subtle hints of revival that is stirring in the hearts of its people. Come with us. Join in as we humbly enter the throne room of God and partner with what He’s doing in this incredible country.

Friend, God desires you. He loves time with you. He is ready to run with you as you carry the Good News to the nations, and if Nepal is on your heart, Let’s GO!

Life on a Nepal Mission Trip

Words from the field:

I had a sweet opportunity to share my story with a lot of people this month. I relate to a lot of the broken folks because I was just a “richer” version of them a year ago. I may not have lived in a slum but I lived in a private hell that was nastier than anything I’ve ever known. Brokenness is brokenness. Whether you live it out in a classy area or in devastating poverty doesn’t matter to satan. So naturally, as I shared, that darn devil tried to throw lies at me to knock me off course.

But God whispered reaffirming, it’s finished.

The shame, utter heartbreak, my old spiraling out of control self are no more.

God breathed “In the greatest exchange of your life, I took it.”

He took my brokenness and nailed it to the tree. And because of that, the suffocating chains of my past are nonexistent. The love I feel from Him is so undeniably thick that I can’t walk around without smiling. He has brought me here for such a time as this and His name has been glorified again and again and again. His love is limitless and His power is unfathomable. So I will continue to tell my testimony and if satan tries to throw lies, I will loose the hounds of heaven on his stinkin butt.

I stand on His foundation in complete awe of my Maker.

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Here’s what ministry could look like while you’re in Nepal:

    • Engage in heartfelt conversations over a cup of milk tea
    • Work alongside a dedicated church planter
    • Collaborate with a musical family ministering to a tribe
    • Participate in social work, volunteer efforts, and disciple-raising initiatives
    • Weave hope and faith into Nepal’s diverse landscapes.
    • Embrace impactful opportunities like countryside evangelism
    • Connect with the youth through soccer and youth camps
    • Contribute to the spiritual and social enrichment of the local communities
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Straight from the field

God still does the miraculous. I so confident in this. I am confident that God loves people radically and furiously. Signs and wonders, miracles and healing are the display of His amazing, furious love in the world today. Let me tell you about His love in display in Nepal. – Chelsea Charles, World Race 2016

Giving away my water for a water fight, this is ministry.
Playing “don’t let the balloon touch the floor,” this is ministry.
Learning Spanish, this is ministry.
Helping the ladies pick mangoes from random trees on the street, this is ministry.
Teaching English, this is ministry.
Planning 6:30am workouts, this is ministry.
Sorting the produce donations on Monday mornings, this is ministry.
Handing out aguapanela con pan, this is ministry.
Leading the women’s ministry lesson, this is ministry.
Eating raw potatoes with a new friend, this is ministry.
Playing no hands in the back of the cargo truck, this is ministry.
Hugging people good morning, this is ministry.
Dancing with kids, this is ministry.
Anything you do to love and live like Jesus, this is ministry.

Your ministry is where you are, it’s how you represent Jesus, it’s how you love others, it’s how you treat others, your life is ministry- if you let Jesus work in you and through you.

Let every moment of your life be a moment to serve Jesus and serve others. 

Let your life be a ministry that reflects Jesus and the salvation He offers each one of us.”

Eutiva, D Squad (Mission)

Meet our partners in Nepal

Throughout the years, we’ve worked alongside key partners who are making a huge impact in Guatemala. Here are a few that you may meet while serving with us.
  • High Adventure Ministries

    High Adventure Ministries

    Meet Deepak Tamang! Deepak operates a small trekking company and seeks to live life as ministry. He loves being able to provide a service that furthers the Kingdom in the process. He also spends time in a region called Chitwan and works with local pastors and churches to evangelize and reach the surrounding villages.

  • New Jerusalem Church

    New Jerusalem Church

    The New Jerusalem Church earnestly seeks to be led by the Spirit. They've been able to plant a church in the heart of Thamel, an area highly trafficked by backpackers in Kathmandu. Since 1990, they've seen 10,000 plus people come to know Jesus and continue to pursue the countryside of Nepal.

  • Agape Mission International

    Agape Mission International

    Meet Brian and Ruth Williams founders of Agape Mission International! They are Spirit led and active in many aspects of the ministry. They constantly seek new ways to reach people for the Kingdom. Agape Mission International is engaged in outreaches to the slums, teaching vocational skills, combating human trafficking, and teaching the art of listening prayer.

Upcoming Nepal Mission Trips

These trips help make a difference in Nepal by serving alongside local ministries. You can join them!

Expedition Routes to Nepal

Gap Year Routes to Nepal

Currently No Gap Year Routes are Launching to This Country.

Semesters Routes to Nepal

Currently No Semesters Routes are Launching to This Country.

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Nepal Country Overview

Nepal, you gotta see it to believe it – it’s like straight out of a dream! Home to the mighty Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on the planet, Nepal is basically on top of the world.  But here’s the real scoop: Nepal is mostly Hindu and Buddhist, but there’s something epic happening. After that massive earthquake rocked the place in 2015, people were left with nowhere to turn, homes in ruins, and loved ones hurting or gone.  But you know what? The hope of Christ is rising like never before! Churches are popping up, and entire families are discovering His love and turning to Him. And here’s where you come in – we’re trekking to these remote mountain villages to bring the good news. We’re showing these incredible people that there’s a God who loves them and wants them to be part of His life-giving family.  So, who’s down for the adventure of a lifetime in Nepal? Let’s spread that love and hope together!
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Cows are sacred in Nepal and are allowed to wander the streets. When entering a temple, do not wear leather.

Visitors should dress conservatively, especially women. If encountering a Nepali dressed entirely in white, it means that the person is in mourning.

Ask permission before taking photographs in temples. Do not step over people’s feet or any other parts of their bodies. To sit with feet pointing at someone is insulting, especially toward a monk or llama. It is also insulting to pat children on the head.

The left hand should never be used for eating, handling food, shaking hands. However, presenting or accepting gifts is always performed with both hands.

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Nepal is home to one of the most famous hikes in the world: the ascent to Mount Everest Basecamp.

One of the highest swings in the world is located in Nepal. Take a day-long trip outside Kathmandu to a bridge suspended above a scenic valley and experience the heart-fluttering drop down into the valley below.

Make sure to eat a traditional Nepali meal, and drink a cup of chai!

Stock up on all your Nepali style clothing in the Thamel shopping alleys.

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29.13 Million
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Nepali and Maithili
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Hinduism 81%
Buddhism 9%
Islam 4%
Other 6%

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