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Mission Trips

The Basics

Part of the cradle of civilization, Egypt is one of the oldest surviving cultures today. While probably known best for its pyramids, palaces, and pharaohs, ancient Egypt also produced some of the earliest developments in writing, agriculture, organized religion, and central government. Few cultures have impacted the world as much as Egypt has, yet this beautiful culture lives in deep spiritual darkness. With over 90% of its people identifying as Sunni Muslim, the majority of Egyptians do not know the love of Jesus. Will you be the light of Christ in Egypt?


Egypt’s culture dates back thousands of years. While some of these ancient traditions remain, modern Egypt is quite different due to immigration from other Arab nations.

Egyptian people are hospitable and very polite.

Egyptians don’t require very much personal space, so they stand close when speaking. They are accustomed to refusing every invitation the first time it was offered, so if your offer is sincere, repeat it a second time. The same goes with invitations from Egyptian people. They will offer something once out of politeness, but you know the offer is genuine if it is repeated.


Luxor is a hotbed of Egyptian history. You can find a wealth of tombs, temples, the Valley of the Kings, and museums.

Mt. Sinai is located in St. Katherine Protectorate, Egypt. It is the place God delivered His Ten Commandments to Moses.

Alexandria contains one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”, and was founded by Alexander the Great. It’s probably worth a visit.

Upcoming Egypt Mission Trips

These trips help make a difference in this country by serving alongside local ministries. You can join them!

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