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United States

Mission Trips

The Basics


331 Million




Protestantism (48.9%)
Catholicism (23.0%)
Mormonism (1.8%)
No religion (18.2%)
Judaism (2.1%)
With almost 327 million residents, across fifty states, the United States of America has the third largest population in the world. The the world’s most dominant economic and military power. It’s cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television. Most importantly, the United States is the top missionary sending nation and continues to be the most generous country in the world. Though we send and give, we are in desperate need of revival. The United States needs Jesus again. Will you join a movement in history to see this nation come back to Jesus at every level of society? We are calling for a total transformation.


The U.S. is culturally and racially diverse as it was shaped by both large waves of immigrants seeking greater freedom and also mass imports of humans for slave labor. The U.S. continues to this day to try to reconcile the ramifications of this dark history while continuing to strive toward the initial belief that all people are created equal.

It is typical, when passing a stranger, to greet them with “How are you doing?” If you don’t ask that question, it is common to acknowledge the person with a head nod, eye contact or smile.

We are known for our hamburgers and pizza, although cuisines will vary depending on what part of the United States you are in. We love to drink coffee on the go. Our large portions may baffle visitors to the States.

It is customary to tip 20% when eating out at a restaurant.


The United States is full of some of the longest highways in the world that will take you to waterfalls, canyons, mountains, lakes, and rivers.

If you love the outdoors and hiking, you need to jump on the Appalachian Trail that traverses 14 states, a distance of 2,140 miles, from Georgia to Maine.

Considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon is a must see.

Your jaw will drop in the spectacular view of Niagara Falls in New York.

Yellowstone, located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, was the first national park in the United States and widely held to be the first national park in the world. Not only will you see the infamous Old Faithful geyser, you’ll experience breathtaking views and wildlife.

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World Race August | 2023

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August 2023

AGES 21—30

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